Ocean County Collaborative Divorce

Divorce is, sadly, not an uncommon occurrence. There are many reasons why a marriage may fall apart, but in many cases, it is simply a matter of both parties drifting apart over time and then deciding that they no longer wish to live together.
If a couple is willing to resolve their disputes in an amicable manner, then hiring an Ocean County collaborative divorce lawyer can be the best option for all involved. Following is an overview of how such a lawyer operates and what a collaborative divorce settlement entails.
How Does a Collaborative Divorce Work?To hire a collaborative divorce lawyer, both parties have to sign a statement committing to work out their differences in an amicable manner. Each party hires his or her own collaborative divorce attorney, who in turn brings various experts (i.e. mortgage experts, financial experts, child custody experts, etc.) to the table. Everyone sits together to go over assets, liabilities and other matters.
While there are likely to be disagreements, all matters must be resolved in a way that is amenable and fair to all parties involved. If conversations get heated, the lawyers may refer the couple to a counselor or mental health specialist. However, if negotiations fall apart, the lawyers will withdraw from the case, leaving both parties to find new lawyers to work with in bringing the case to court.
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What are the Advantages of a Collaborative Divorce Settlement?There are several important advantages to hiring an Ocean County collaborative divorce attorney. To start with, such an attorney is much more affordable than regular divorce lawyer who has to prepare to take a case to court. In fact, working with a collaborative New Jersey divorce lawyer can save tens of thousands of dollars in potential legal fees.
A collaborative divorce settlement also enables a couple to get a divorce quickly and move on with life. A court battle, on the other hand, can drag on for many months.
Perhaps the most important advantage of hiring a collaborative divorce lawyer in Ocean County is that it does not cause undue stress for close friends, family members and children. While kids are almost always adversely affected by divorce, the effects are greatly minimized when parents work out their differences in a friendly manner.
Is a Collaborative Divorce Always the Best Option?Naturally, working with a collaborative divorce attorney is not always the best option for everyone. If one party is dishonest, has engaged in criminal activity and/or is not willing to consider this type of settlement, then taking the case to court would be the best option. However, a couple that is parting on fairly amicable terms should seriously consider the many advantages of coming to an agreement out of court.
Those who are interested in retaining the services of a collaborative divorce attorney in Ocean County should call the law offices of Goldstein Law Group. The firm has a reputation for professionalism and a great deal of experience in helping divorcing couples work out a divorce in a fair manner. You can easily contact the firm at any time to get the timely assistance and counsel you need.